About Me


I'm a California-based newspaper, magazine and digital journalist who focuses on environmental and technology issues, including oceans, climate change, wildlife, endangered species, water, drought, renewable energy and green technology.

I most recently was executive editor for environment at News Deeply, a New York-based media company that created news sites to provide sustained coverage of issues of global significance that are underreported. I oversaw News Deeply's environmental news sites, including Arctic Deeply, Oceans Deeply and Water Deeply, and developed new platforms. Before joining News Deeply, I was the editorial director for environment at TakePart, a digital magazine owned by Participant Media, the Los Angeles film production company. Previously, I've held reporting, editing and department head positions at a variety of publications, including Fortune magazine, Forbes magazine, Business 2.0 magazine, the San Jose Mercury News, the Sacramento Bee and The Industry Standard magazine.

I've been a regular contributor to The New York Times, Quartz and The Atlantic, and my work has also appeared in National Geographic, the Los Angeles Times, Wired, Reuters, Yale Environment 360 and Grist.

I live in Berkeley, California, where I spend as much time as possible outside, surfing, hiking and mountain biking. A former resident of Australia, I’m among the lucky few who have seen the elusive and critically endangered northern hairy-nosed wombat in the wild.